Making Things Come Good:
Relations Between Aborigines and Miners at Argyle, by Kim Doohan
Making Things Come Good tells the story of evolving relationships between Argyle Diamond Mine and the Aboriginal people whose land has been mined. It shows the two parties making agreements, with quite different understandings and expectations, and describes the ways in which they gradually accommodate one another’s point of view. There is humour as well as pathos in the responses of the human beings on both sides, and the results are surprising.
The author, who has worked for many years with people affected by the mine, gives rare insights into the world view and some of the cultural practices of Aboriginal people of the East Kimberley, and shows how the
Traditional Owners of the country being mined gradually reassert their authority in the land, bring ceremonial life to the mine and influence the sacred Barramundi, who yields her diamonds to the miners.
This is an optimistic book, with lessons for anyone hoping to do business on Aboriginal land. It is well referenced and impressively illustrated with maps and photographs.