Events 2021

Backroom Press Events 2021

2021 began with the Nuts and Bolts workshop. The team was busy with 0ther events including another successful Corrugated Lines in spite of the COVID 19 restrictions which prevented some people from participating.

Nuts and Bolts of Writing Workshop

Over the course of February, under the auspices of Backroom Press and Notre Dame University, Gillian and Pat offered a series of four workshops on English grammar.

Called ‘The Nuts and Bolts of Writing’, the workshops started with the question ‘What is a sentence?’, showing how to build one from scratch, with later sessions on parts of speech, punctuation, and finding the right word. The outline of each session was presented on PowerPoint.








We intended to limit the classes to 15, but there were 19 enrolments. Not all participants could attend all sessions, but those who missed one could refer to the PowerPoint summaries, which were made available to everyone at the end of the series.  There was much lively discussion, and we gave participants a quiz after each session.

The sessions were enhanced by an array of tasty snacks, selected by Gillian.

Feedback via our evaluation forms was positive, and some participants expressed interest in joining a more advanced series of workshops, should we offer them in a few months’ time.