Stories From the Kimberley to the World
An invitation to Kimberley writers and would-be writers
Are you a budding writer looking for an opportunity to have other people read your work? Or are you a published writer with some unpublished work in your top drawer?
Backroom Press is seeking short pieces of writing with a Kimberley theme to publish on our website. We want pieces from 250 to 5,000 words: essays, opinion pieces, creative non-fiction, short stories, short plays and poetry. Those selected will be published on our website and featured on our social media pages.
We are especially looking for edgy, thought-provoking and entertaining work from contributors of diverse backgrounds. If you are a writer who lives or has spent time in the Kimberley and have stories to tell about our region, we want to see your work.
All submissions will be acknowledged, and those that are not accepted may receive brief feedback.
Backroom Press has a long-term ambition to publish a collection of writing from the Kimberley. The best of your submissions could be selected. So get cracking!
Send your submissions, with an entry form to:
While there is no fee to enter your submissions, joining Backroom Press as a member for a one-off fee of just $10 will ensure that we can continue bringing these opportunities to the writing community, and of course, publishing wonderful Kimberley books.